Sunday, March 27, 2011

Grand Canyon

I have lived in Arizona for 3 1/2 years and I had never seen the Grand Canyon
craaazy, I know!
So while my sister was here I decided that it was time to make the 4 hour drive up.
We got up at 4am Saturday morning and headed out.
Austin drove the whole way and didn't let me or Alma touch the steering wheel, I don't know whether to be grateful or offended but either way it was easier on us.
I slept most of the way and Alma sat in the back entertaining Zuke
We stopped in Flagstaff around 7am to eat a yummy breakfast!
We continued on the road for another 1 1/2 hours before we made it up to the actual National Park
It was a lot colder than I expected and there were a lot of people but it was fun
Zuke definitely enjoyed it and he was worn out!
The Canyon itself almost looked fake and it was so immense that it was actually hard to really comprehend it completely. It was beautiful.
I loved just looking out into the horizon and seeing all the different colors and how beautiful it all came together. It was breathtaking. 
Here are some pictures :) 
Austie & Beli

Representing NH at the Canyon 

Alma :)


I love all the colors captured in this picture

there was even a little bit of snow in the canyon



Garrard Family 

I love my sistah 

seriously, stunning.

I can't figure out what I like looking at better ha

sistah sistah and zukey

we are totally related

close up....

can you see me?
I am at the very top right hand corner sitting down....
makes you feel so small huh?


Friday, March 25, 2011

Out of Africa :)

My sister came to "visit" me during my spring break, and I say "visit" because she was actually here for a work training that we took advantage of by making her trip a little longer!
She arrived late afternoon Friday, March 11 and the party began right away! 
We made our way to Oregano's for dinner and we enjoyed every bite! 
Of course, she was really tired so we all went to bed kind of early knowing we had adventures to pursue over the weekend. 
Early Saturday morning we headed to "Out of Africa" and went on a Safari! 
I was amazed by all the amazing animals we got to see and I felt like a little kid because I had so much fun!
I got to feed a giraffe and see zebras walk right next to me!
I didn't get too close to the lions and tigers though!
We also saw hyenas, bears, birds, snakes (yuck, i walked away), pumas, emus, lots of different types of elk (Austin's favorite), a beautiful white tiger and much, much more!
It was a beautiful day and luckily the park wasn't so busy so we were able to walk around and see the animals and take lots of pictures without too many people around!
It was definitely exciting! We hope to go back again :)


Giraffe up in my face!

It wrapped its rough tongue around my hand! 

Black with white stripes?

mr & mrs garrard (almost)

huuuuuge.... he can jump 8 feet! whaaaa?


white tigers are my favorite

so cute!

but terrifying at the same time!


sistahs! :)


king of the jungle

looking at this picture makes me yawn...every time!

cute grizzly bear

they are so beautiful up close

laughing at the hyenas

they seriously laugh.... its hillarious!

boom boom the rhino!

i love the giraffe in the background
i love my big sis!

I can't wait to marry my best friend :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Becoming Mrs.Garrard

So since I am becoming Mrs. Garrard this year, I have decided to start a new blog.
I want it to be short & sweet, but something I update often.
I need to start by telling our engagement story.
(which I will in the next post)
And then keep updating with my fabulous finds and creative diy's.
We haven't set a date... I know, I'm lame.
I think sometime in October? 
This year, I hope!

Either way, on this Monday, ( I can't believe it's 12am, and I am not in bed)
March 7, 2011 I am declaring the birth of my new blog!

So here it is.... 

(In case you guys didn't know, my soon to be husband is known as the Great Gatsby or Gatz for short, so I will forever be associated with that, so call me, Mrs. Gatz)