Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who would've thought...

For those of you who know me really well, you know I am a girly girl.
I love to shop, the color pink and pretty jewelry.
But, most of all, I LOVE shoes.
I am pretty girly.
Growing up I was never really outdoorsy and camping and "boy" stuff wasn't really my cup of tea.
Going to camp, was going to Princeton University to Running Camp.
Not exactly roughing-it up.
With that being said, I love love love to ride quads.
Last weekend the our newly engaged friends Mitch & Amanda
(Mitchanda? Amanditch? MitchAmanDunn? you decide)
were in town.
We had the opportunity to hang out with them a couple times and on
Saturday, we became adventurous and, hit the mountains.
Arizona Mountains.
We had a blast!
The weather was marvelous and the place was empty.
Austin & Mitch loved taking us girls around
showing off a bit.
We liked it.
I am so glad we got to spend time with them and we hate that they live in Utah but are
so so so excited that they're getting married.
Hopefully they move to Arizona. Soon.

I love that my husband has made me love the outdoors.
I love to ride quads.
horseback ride.
& fish.
not so girly now huh? 


  1. Guys will suck you into liking that stuff so they can buy more stuff. I'm still paying the price for that one........43 years next July 19th

  2. Sorry, 44 years. Time flies when you're having fun.
